Introduction 前言
Boutique Deluxe (Luxury Gift) 瑰麗坊(高級禮品)
This Boutique Deluxe (Luxury Gift) section in the 2014 event focuses on high-end gifts that impart a greater value to the giving .Opulent products on offer include items such as luxurious gold pens, fine porcelain products, gemstone globes and cigar boxes, etc. Department stores, specialist shops, collectors’ stores, museums, credit card companies and membership clubs sure can find plenty of interest with a stunning selection of high-end and executive gifts.


Jewellery Galleria 華麗首飾廊
Jewellery has long been regarded as the king of gifts, offering a personal and high-value touch to the present-giving experience. Jewellery Galleria focuses on jewellery items suitable for corporate giving as well as for special occasions such as Mothers’ Day, Valentine’s Day or Christmas. Products include silver necklaces, jade bangles to pearl products and precious gemstone items.

珠寶一直被視為尊貴送禮的不二之選,給予收禮物者一份親切和高貴的感覺。華麗首飾廊集中展示適合企業送禮或在特別日子如母親節、情人節或聖誕節等送贈親友的珠寶首飾。展品包括純銀項鍊、翡翠手鐲 ,以至珍珠首飾及珍貴寶石等。